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OSSIA Committees

Much of OSSIA's work is done through our working committees. Committee participation is open to all OSSIA Members.

As a trade association of competitors, OSSIA must comply with and be mindful of antitrust laws. It is important that competitively sensitive matters are not discussed at this meeting, including product prices or costs; sales terms or conditions; production levels; sales territories; marketing plans; industry forecasts; or bid terms. If any such topic is raised, we will stop the conversation.

Legislative Committee: The OSSIA Legislative Committee is charged with developing proposed policy and policy positions on the broad range of issues that impact the solar industry. The committee will discuss potential policy positions and make recommendations to the OSSIA board as needed.

Chair: Marie Barlow

Community Solar Sub-Committee: The OSSIA Community Solar Sub-Committee is charged with engaging with Oregon’s Public Utilities Commission (PUC) and solar industry stakeholders to develop and/or propose policy and program positions as they impact Oregon’s solar industry. The committee will discuss potential policy and/or program positions and make recommendations to the OSSIA board as needed.The OSSIA Community Solar Sub-Committee is charged with engaging with Oregon’s Public Utilities Commission (PUC) and solar industry stakeholders to develop and/or propose policy and program positions as they impact Oregon’s solar industry. The committee will discuss potential policy and/or program positions and make recommendations to the OSSIA board as needed.

Chair: Troy Snyder

Utility Scale & Land Use: The OSSIA Utility Solar Committee is charged with engaging utility solar PV developers to best serve their business needs and priorities that fall within OSSIA’s ability. Utility solar projects are direct intertie, in front of the meter projects. The committee will set priorities and develop OSSIA efforts to support large scale solar PV development in order to achieve Oregon Solar Plan goals.

Chair: Amy Berg Pickett

Technical Committee: The OSSIA Technical Committee is charged with reviewing issues related to codes, permitting, and other technical issues. The committee advises staff on technical changes that would benefit the solar industry and increase access to solar.

Chair: Katie Martin

Join OSSIA and gain access to participate in one of our committees.

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