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Oregon Solar Plan

The Oregon Solar Plan outlines strategies to increase solar deployment in Oregon to enable the state to generate 10% of its electricity from solar energy in ten years. The plan provides a context for the issues we’ll be working on in 2017 as well as provide the basis for other policy and regulatory work in the future. Solar has a great story to tell and the Oregon Solar Plan will help us tell it.

Download the Condensed Summary of the Oregon Solar Plan
Download the Full Version of the Oregon Solar Plan  

Overall solar plan goals:

  • Work to achieve 10% of OR electricity from solar energy by 2027

  • Ensure rooftop payback does not exceed 10 years

  • Grow the solar workforce

  • Reduce soft costs

  • Reduce barriers to entry

  • Develop long term state policy

Join forces with Oregon solar businesses that are leading the way.

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