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Solar Technical Training

DISCOUNT CODE: We offer a discount on registration for OSSIA, Energy Trust Solar Trade Allies, and Solar Installers of Washington (SIW) members. Contact for your discount code before you register. We do not issue refunds for training discounts not applied for during the registration process.

Check out our Solar Instructors here

Oregon Trainings    

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Solar+Storage Vendor Trainings

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Review Oregon BCD Continuing Education Requirements: Click Here.

Course Descriptions & Continuing Education

Previous Oregon Courses (Check back soon - new courses coming soon!)

  • Solar PV Systems based on the 2017 NEC (8h): The 2017 edition of NFPA 70 National Electrical Code dramatically changes the practical safeguards for PV systems. It introduces more changes to Article 690, Solar Photovoltaic (PV) Systems, than any revision cycle since 1984, when the NEC first adopted Article 690.This course will review all of the critical requirements for the proper installation of PV systems by the NEC and will focus on significant changes made in the 2017 versions. Articles to be reviewed include 690 - PV Systems, 691 - Large-Scale PV Electric Power Production Facility (NEW), 705 - Interconnected Electrical Power Production Sources, 706 - Energy Storage Systems (NEW), 710 - Stand-alone Systems (NEW), 712 - DC Microgrids (NEW). The course is intended for: Oregon State Certified Electricians, Electrical Contractors, Electrical Inspectors, Building Officials, Engineers and Designers.  

    • CEU: This course is eligible for 8 hours NABCEP credit and 4 hours Code Related + 4 hours Code Change OR BCD credit.

  • Photovoltaic Systems Best Practices & Energy Trust Installation Requirements (4h) :The Photovoltaic Systems Best Practices will provide participants with knowledge of the industry's current best practices and Energy Trust of Oregon's current installation requirement to ensure consistent and uniform installations for Photovoltaic (PV) systems. The course will be focused on the current products, safety practices and installation requirements. The course is intended for code electrical contractors, solar installers, building officials, engineers and designers and to better understand current installation best practices and Energy Trust Installation requirements

    • CEU: This course is eligible for 4h NABCEP credit. 2h Code Related OR BCD credits.

  • Photovoltaic Systems Operations & Maintenance (2h): The two-hour Photovoltaic (PV) Systems Operations & Maintenance (O&M) course will provide participants with knowledge of the industry's current best practices to ensure maximum system uptime and a healthy return on investment (ROI) for PV systems. This course will be focused on the current products, safety practices and various tools of the trade such as multimeters, insulation resistance testers, current vs. voltage (I-V) curve tracers and infrared cameras. The course is intended to help electrical contractors, solar installers, building officials, engineers and designers better understand current O&M practices for PV systems.

    • CEU: This course is eligible for 2h NABCEP credit.  

The Solar Technical Training Program is made possible with support from:


Thank you to our 2020 training hosts:

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Want to support the program as an Oregon Solar Technical Training Host? Information here.

Check out Mike Holt’s solar specific material here

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Join forces with Oregon solar businesses that are leading the way.

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