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Key benefits for OSSIA members include:

  • Advocacy: Policy and regulation are key to the solar industry and OSSIA has been successfully influencing Oregon's energy environment since 1981. Our successes have been... and continue to be.... MASSIVE! Programs such as community solar, the residential energy tax credit, & utility scale development programs should not be taken for granted and need our continued support!

  • Voting Rights: Vote for OSSIA board of dIrectors

  • Committee Participation: Participation in OSSIA’s policy, regulatory, development and educational efforts through involvement in our committees

  • Industry Information: Through our newsletters, breaking news, policy reports, and other communications, OSSIA members are sure to hear it first so they can pivot in a dynamic marketplace. Receive special reports on industry related topics including policy and legislative issues, technical issues, technology, code updates, professional training and development opportunities, and RFPs

  • Stakeholder Interests: Coordination with other industry stakeholders through events and peer-to-peer networking opportunities

  • Member Resources: Get priority access to OSSIA’s knowledgeable and experienced staff & board of directors to help deal with permitting, legal, and other issues. Get timely, in-depth analysis from OSSIA's policy experts

  • Member Discounts: Discounted registration for OSSIA sponsored events such as professional training & The Oregon Solar + Storage Conference as well as partner discounts to non OSSIA events such as SPI, NABCEP and local events

  • Promotion: OSSIA will promote your entry to our community on our website, in our directory, on social media and through our electronic email publications.

  • Power in Numbers!


2025 Membership Dues

OSSIA Membership dues are based on the combined total of your Oregon revenue from solar energy related products/services from the last fiscal year. All of the members of your organization are eligible for member benefits. 

*Please note, OSSIA membership dues are paid annually and are due in the first quarter of the year. New memberships paid mid-year can be pro-rated for the first year.


Tier 1 Voting

Revenue between $0 - $750K - Dues: $1,000

Tier 2 Voting

Revenue between $750K - $2M - Dues: $2,500

Tier 3 Voting

Revenue between $2M - $3M - Dues: $4,500

Tier 4 Voting

Revenue between $3M - $4M - Dues: $5,750

Tier 5 Voting

Revenue between $4M - $5M - Dues: $7,500

Tier 6 Voting

Revenue between $5M - $10M - Dues: $8,500

Tier 7 Voting

Revenue between $10-15 M- Dues $10,000

Tier 8 Voting

Revenue above $15M - Dues $11,500

*Manufacturers & Distributors: Dues follow above schedule and max out at $3,000

Union Voting

Dues: $1,000

Gov't / Non - Profit /Education

Dues: $500

Professional Voting Individual

Dues: $550

Non-solar specific business (insurance, banks, etc)- - - - Non-voting

Revenue less than $150K - Dues: $350 (reserved for non-solar specific businesses, like insurance, banks, etc)

Student (non-voting)

Dues: $50

Code of Ethics

By joining OSSIA, you will become a member of an organization that is committed to the highest ethical standards for the solar energy industry and thus who consumers and other businesses trust. All OSSIA member companies have agreed to adhere to OSSIA’s Code of Ethics.

Join forces with Oregon solar businesses that are leading the way.

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