Policy Update - 2.8.18

The 2018 Legislative session has begun and OSEIA is working very closely with our lobbyist and allies on passing HB 4121, the residential Home WRAP (Weatherization, Retrofit, and Affordability Program) bill. We are happy to report the initial hearing yesterday morning went well. The bill should pass through the House Committee on Economic Development and Trade in the next few days. The next step would be the Joint Committee on Ways and Means which will be far more challenging due to discussions about state budget impacts.


Due to the nature of the short session we are taking a very focused run at passing the bill. We are working closely with energy efficiency advocates and our lobby firm, we will keep you informed of the progress. We know many of you are excited to contribute, we will notify all members of any beneficial actions you can take. Please stay tuned for updates and action alerts.


Our solar lobby day will be small and concentrated on specific legislators as we team up with other efficiency advocates to reach the key legislators needed for this bill to pass. Solar Lobby Day registration is full, please do not plan to attend if you are not already registered.